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Alumni FD


The Alumni Association of Grennaskolan / "Grennaskolans Föredettingförening"


It started with a dream, a dream about a school in Grenna. The year was 1963. The buzz-words were to be respect and solidarity. Two years later the school examined its first student. The headmaster at that time was Sten Sarborn, the same man who in 1966 founded the Alumni Association, the purpose of which was to promote good comradeship and to create bonds of friendship between former students. The dream to found a school in Grenna came true – we know that today. But who would know then that the Alumni Association would last through the years as a network between all students examined at Grennaskolan and at the same time as a symbol for what everybody knows as the spirit of Grennaskolan?


The association is there for anyone who is, was or will be a student at Grennaskolan. Through this association students can keep in contact with their class mates as long as they live. So welcome to become a member you too!

 The Alumni Association organizes many different events  over the school year, the biggest and most important of which is the Alumni Weekend, which takes place in May, this year between the first and third of May. 

The board FD (2016/2017)

Julia Markström, Chairman (Graduated GS 1997)


Josephine Feldhoff, Board Member (Graduated 1988)


Paul Odelberg, Board Member (Graduated 1990)


Sanna Moore, Alternate Board Member (Graduated GS 1994) 


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