The Board of Trustees
The board of Grenna International Campus AB consists of three local politicians representing the majority in the municipality and two representing the opposition. Above these members the CEO is part of the board as managing director and the financial manager as secretary for the board. Two trade unions are represented.
The board meets 3 – 4 times per semester. Grenna International Campus AB is subject to Jönköping Municipality.
Grenna International Campus AB
Box 95, 563 22 GRÄNNA
Tel: +46(0)390-332 08
Visiting address: Borgmästargården, Bergsgatan 38 Gränna, Sweden
Jönköpings kommun
The Board 2015-2019
Board Members
Lennart Fransson, Chairman (FP)
Anders Jarl, 1st Vice Chairman (M)
Carina Sjögren, 2nd Vice Chairman (S)
Stina Sinclair (KD)
Gösta Lindberg (S)