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School Restaurant

Grennaskolan "Three Lillies"

Menu 2017


Lunch: Korv Stroganoff med ris
Veg: Vegetarisk Stroganoff med ris
Middag: Köttbullar med potatismos och lingonsylt

Lunch: Bräckt kassler med råstekt potatis
Veg: Zucchiniplättar med råstekt potatais
Middag: Thailändsk kycklinggryta med bulgur


Lunch: Pasta penne med ratatouille och drumsticks
Veg: Pasta penne med ratatouille
Middag: Teriyaki marinerad karré

Lunch: Fiskgratäng med dillpotatis
Veg: Fylld paprika med qournfärs
Middag: Hamburgare med bröd

Lunch: Tacobuffe
Veg: Tacobuffe
Middag: Lasagne med vitkålssallad

Lunch: Kyckling med curry och ris
Middag: Hälleflundra med pepparrot och skirat smör
Dessert: Uffes hallonkaka med lättvispad grädde

Lunch: Biff Bourguignon med rostad potatis
Middag: Fläskfilé Africana

GS School Restaurant "Three Lillies"


Lunch in an historical building

The school restaurant serves lunch to all students present at school. Boarding students also have dinner in the school restaurant together with their house parents and friends. Our kitchen staff ensure that well-prepared meals be served during your time at school, using local food and produce of the highest quality.


If the walls could talk

The restaurant was previously Gränna's cinema and public assembly hall. It was also a meeting place for IOGT at one time. Traces of the old cinema can still be seen in the entrance with the ticket window in one of the doors, as well as the old wooden benches in the balcony area. Our dining hall is unique.

My food philosophy​

"My feelings for food are extremely open. For me, a sausage with bread or a pizza can be the same great food experience as lobster or whitefish roe, or that a perfectly prepared egg be a beautiful sight to the eye. Everything is about affection and love of your raw materials, just as you yourself would like to be treated and considered. I preferably use locally grown and beautiful primary products that give a proud feeling when preparing them in the kitchen. And we naturally only use MSC eco-labelled fish."

/ Kitchen Manager (Head Chef)



menu of the week

Contact person


Anna Börjesson, Head Chef



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