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Position Available


Grennaskolan is one of Sweden's three national boarding schools and is located in Gränna. The school is a wholly owned subsidiary of Jönköpings kommun.


Grennaskolan offers education within the national three year upper-secondary school programmes the Social Sciences Programme, the Natural Sciences Programme, and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. Grennaskolan also offers a middle school level program with one class in year 9 -with focus on the English language.


The school has a total of about 200 students, of whom half are boarders. More than half of the boarders are young Swedish expatriates, who come from about 30 different countries.





There are currently no positions available.


Grennaskolan Box 95

563 22 GRÄNNA

Tel: +46(0)390-332 08

Fax: +46(0)390-332 01


Visiting address: Borgmästargården, Bergsgatan 38 Gränna, Sweden

Jönköpings kommun

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