Theater & Musical at Grennaskolan
For the aesthetically interested student, Grennaskolan offers a number of activities under the leadership of committed and experienced staff. Music, Art, Drama and Dance are just some of the subject-areas with an excellent opportunity to improve your skills. In addition to ordinary lessons and courses in music, art, drama and dance both at junior high school and upper-secondary levels, Grennaskolan also offers many activities within these themes outside the normal school day.
Grennaskolan's artistic activities during an academic year include the following:
Playing guitar and piano accompaniment as well as in an ensemble. You can start as a beginner or deepen your knowledge, or play in a group.
Drama/scenic creation.
Photography, art and design.
Cultural outings, for example to museums, theatres and concerts
Musical ensembles. Music students perform, for example, at concerts.
Studio production. To sing and play music in a studio.
Unplugged evenings. Music students play tunes and songs.
"Winter festival". Annual music, dance and poetry evening with the school's students.
"Tage festival". Annual musical evening with Grennaskolan's students and local groups and talents
Open-day concerts. Music, drama and dance performances during "Open school days"
Choir-singing. Lucia celebrations and end-of-term.
Musical. Grennaskolan's annual production of a complete musical where drama, dance, art and music students together offer several much-acclaimed performances.
Teasers from past musicals at GS